• Vintage Blue Ceramic Plate
  • Vintage Blue Ceramic Plate
  • Vintage Blue Ceramic Plate
  • Vintage Blue Ceramic Plate

    Vintage Blue Ceramic Plate

    Regular price $52.50 Sale price $75.00
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    While some sleep and others dance the night away, we at Rentrayage are out curating. Whether it’s waiting in the cold pre-dawn darkness to be first in line at some faraway flea market, pushing our way uninvited into an estate sale, or somehow pursuing that which has been willfully discarded, we scout, scour, haggle, scuffle, all in the name of some little thing that speaks to us of old yet resonates with unmistakable immediacy. We believe heart and soul transcend time and space, and every vintage piece we’ll ever share with you arrived to us on the wings of that conviction. In a world of algorithms, our world is one in which everything was physically touched, sought after, cried over, cared for, and by any other imprecise measurement, has real meaning. We curate, we never aggregate. We live, breath, and long for the lost art, lost voice, lost love … So if you’re curious about any of our vintage offerings, just know with utmost certainty that we are the “Lost & Found” you never knew you were looking for and will be delighted you found.

    • Vintage item
    • Ethically made
    • 9 3/4" x 9 3/4" x 1 3/4"